Now, I will post about my own life story...
Especially, I want share you about my close friends in class ^^
Ne, we are eleven girls (
We are the combination from two group (just like "Hey! Say! 7" and "Hey! Say! Best" become "Hey! Say! Jump") lol XD
I like them so much, because they are really funny, lol
They always make me laugh (out of loud)
Nothing to be sad if I am with them, Happy always :D
Ne, here I introduce you to them...
Hajimemashite, minna san,,,
From Group QWErty (Qie, Wawah, Dede are sweety) {haha} XD
Kore wa Wardah Mardiathussolihah (prefer called "Wawah") desu....
She is from Tangerang (or Cianjur), Indonesia...
She likes "Marawis" so much and she is dilligent reading Al-Quran, she has a dream to visit Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofa) mosque in Turkey :) *hope ur dream comes true, friend ^/\^
Her characteristics is fun, I think she is always laugh and happy, although she sometimes in her bad mood.. but she still be able to laugh :'D (Her voice of laugh make her different from us) >> [Gomen, wah :D]
She is kind and pleghmatis person (just like me)...
She is famous with her jargon >> "Apa aja boleh, yang penting OK" and "Rambut boleh sama hitam, tapi otak kan beda" :D
She likes Angry bird, and yellow color..
She has a great responsibility ^^d
And, this is Risa Nurul Syahbani (prefer called "Dede") ...
She comes from Tasikmalaya city, Indonesia...
She is the youngest member among us, so that we call her "Dede".. beside that, her body is the smallest ~lol XD
She likes and has dream to go to Paris, see Eiffel Tower nearly.. Wish it true ^/\^
She likes Pucca and pink color at first, but it changes become blue when she gest boyfriend who Viking Fanatic hihi..~
She is famous with her "cute" voice XD
She is fashionista, creative girl and expressive girl..
Her entrepreneurship soul is great ^^d
After that, this is me (Zakiyah) prefer called "Zaky, Zack, or Qie" {but I prefer to be called "Qie" or "Qya", that's my nickname from my school mates}
Nothing to say about me, but I just the only one of the member who the most upset >,<
I am not really good, I always make my friend upset.. although sometimes I make them happy >> Maybe
I dont know whether they like to be my friend or not, but as long as I am with them, I feel that they are happy to be with me, as I am happy to be with them ^,^
They call me "Doraemon" yes bcoz I am "Dora-holic" ^^ I love doraemon and I like all about Japan..
I love Yamada Ryosuke.. :D *it is not important for u, rite?*
And then, from group SNOTTER (I dont know where this idea come from, but they seems to be happy to have this group name XD)
Snot~ Snot~ XD
Here are the members~
Rima Nabilah Nuzula (Bibiel or Zuzul) is the leader of this group. *I know why, bcoz she often doing snot everywhere everytime ~lol* (run fast) XD
She is from Garut, Indonesia..
She always boasts her white skin and sharp nose (whereas I also have both haha)
Firstly I like her bcoz she always wear skirt, and hardly wear trousers.. so girly, yes? *wekk :P*
She is a "doubter" and "autism" girl.. yes, she admit it to me also. haha
She is the most funny... especially when she act like the puppet *oh God, dont let the pregnant woman near her haha* she is be able t imitate other people's voice or act XD
beside all, she is very clever *I am paid for saying this* haha :D
Just kidding, all of those words, what I say about Bibil are true.. she is clever and diligent.. ^^ *and like to snot? I dont know* haha~
Siti Maryam (Iyam, Yayam, Yammie)
She also comes from Garut, Indonesia.
She is the number two of the most "funny and autism" girl from snotter :D
She is clever, diligent, but sometimes "sensitive" -,-a
She sometimes get angry with us, but not for long time, she changes again into kind girl :D
Latest, she is famous with her new jargon >> "Yakk~!" *I dont know how to say it well, only she can do it* haha
O, yes. I like her when she laughs, her voice is so funny LOL :DD gkgkgkgk~
Siti Nurjanah (Nunun *gak pake nurbaeti* lol)
She is from Tasikmalaya, Indonesia..
One more Snotter members that is funny.. *hhhh~*
She always speaks one syllable English word becomes two syllable word, for us it is funny, but I hope she dont do that when she teach her students.. *Oh God, really, you will mislead them if you do that XD*
She is just like Dde, her business soul is high.. *Trader spirit* hard worker..
Yeah, she is the most insulting person among us.. >,< XD ckckkc~
Beside that, she is clever *pssttt.. She is the master of grammar actually* ;) but she often upset us because of her habit to come late -___-'a
Weni Warohmah (Wewen or Uwen)
This is Mojang Sumedang ... :D
The second funniest laughter after Yammie :D
Wawah always called her "Her twin" *Becoz they are similar (?)*
She is diligent, and clever girl also..
No more to say, bcoz the characteristics are same with the other members that I mentioned above..
The point is, I Like her when she laughs :D
Rina Hernawati (Mba Rina)
She comes from Pangalengan , Indonesia..
She is the oldest members I think, that's why she almost be insulted as "elder", or "kolot" *ckckkc
so rude u all haha*
but beside that, she always give wise advice to other members *that's what the elder for* heheh ^^v [Peace]
I like when she says "Just calm~" when she try to make the nervous person be calm.. ^^
She looks like a silencer, but actually she can be autism like the leader of Snotter haha :D
She is my friend when I am talking about Nasyid :D
Clever, and diligent girl.. ^^d
Siti Darojah Isnaeni (Mba Dije (Dj))
She also come from Garut Indonesia.. *so many persons from Garut, yes? ^^*
She is clever and diligent *again, so many clever and diligent person from this group* ^^
She is kind, of course,..
I think she is just like Mba Rina >> A silencer, that's what I see her when first time I attend the class, but actually she is funny :D *I dont know it is the influence of her friend especially the leader or what haha*
Yayat Nurhayati (Yayat)
This is Sumedang Girl, or Majalengka girl (she is
She is K-Popper, talk about Super Junior or 2PM with her and she will welcome it enthusiastically :D
Her voice is funny when she say "Annyeong~" XD
She is clever and diligent,
at first *again* I dont think that the silent-like girl can become a funny girl, who acts like a joker *i think it bcoz of the leader again haha* :D
Thia Sholihah (Thia)
She is from Majalengka,
Yes, she is the tallest member of all...
Oh God, This, what do you eat until you such a tall like that O.Oa
She is model-to-be :D
She is fashionista and like to make up her face whether it will a fashion show or not hoho XD
Her poses when she takes a photo always awesome but sometimes it becomes the material of our next joke haha :D
Jya, they are my close friends...
I dont mean that the other friends are not special, but they are who often spend their time with me..
I love to be your friend...
We through the sadness and happiness together,
we share all about us..
We dont keep something each other..
Whatever insult, but that's only a joke...
Tears, laughs, and smiles...
We have it...
I have it because you are my friends... ^^
Btw, gomen (sorry) if I wrote the wrong fact about you all.. but that's only my opinion *I add some jokes there*
This writing is just for fun, but I serious when I praise you ^^
Keep this situation until end friends, hope Allah bless our friendship ^^ Muahhh :*
We are one in diversity,
We are strong in unity,
We always smile although it's hard,
because we strengthen each other,
If I could I would pull down the rainbow,
and write your names there..
After that I will fly it away again to the sky,
So that the world will know, How colorful my life is with friends like you ^^ <3
Sincerely yours,
Zakiyah (Rizuki Yamazaki Asy-Syauqie) ^^
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