disaatt hatiku merasa kesepiaan...
saat ku berpikir tak ada yang bisa mengerti dan menemani (kecuali Allah)...
Kau yang hadir mengusir kesepian ini...
kau memberiku rasa nyaman...
kau slalu mengerti apa yang ku mau...
kau yang membalut luka menganga di hati ini...
kau tenangkan gusar hatiku dan menghapus tangisku...
dengan kata-katamu kau buai aku hingga ku terbang di indahnya kasih...
Let's go doing now, Let's go changing now, Let's go catching! So, fly high baby, don't cry. Let's get it! / Believe in your self you can make it up! / Don't give up / We can fly, we can dream! (Hey! Say! Jump)
To make easy, Click the categories that you want to see^^
Sabtu, 29 September 2012
[DearDiary] Move on~
Aku berhenti,
Ya, aku memutuskan untuk berhenti..
Eh, tapi, mungkin tidak bisa dibilang berhenti juga.
ya, mungkin berubah..
Atau mungkin, berhenti untuk berubah?
Ah, entahlah..
Yang jelas, mungkin aku bukanlah aku yang dulu..
Dan sekarang aku mungkin tidak akan menjadi seperti aku yang dulu..
Jika aku memutuskan untuk berhenti, maka aku akan berhenti..
Resiko? Ya, aku akan menanggungnya...
Apapun itu..
Aku telah melakukan kesalahan, dan bukan kesalahan kan jika aku ingin memperbaikinya?
Ya, aku memutuskan untuk berhenti..
Eh, tapi, mungkin tidak bisa dibilang berhenti juga.
ya, mungkin berubah..
Atau mungkin, berhenti untuk berubah?
Ah, entahlah..
Yang jelas, mungkin aku bukanlah aku yang dulu..
Dan sekarang aku mungkin tidak akan menjadi seperti aku yang dulu..
Jika aku memutuskan untuk berhenti, maka aku akan berhenti..
Resiko? Ya, aku akan menanggungnya...
Apapun itu..
Aku telah melakukan kesalahan, dan bukan kesalahan kan jika aku ingin memperbaikinya?
Jumat, 28 September 2012
[Download] More Hey! Say! JUMP ringtones
CREDITS: http://rinyuto.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html / Angel Come To Me! livejournal
Share ringtone again ^^
Hitomi no screen - Hey!Say!JUMP
Star Time - Hey!Say!JUMP
Shin - Gi - Tai - Hey!Say!JUMP
Shin - Gi - Tai - Hey!Say!JUMP
Tobira No Mukou - Hey!Say!JUMP
Romeo & Juliet - Hey!Say!JUMP
chance to change - Hey!Say!JUMP
Dreams come true - Hey!Say!JUMP
Your Seed - Hey!Say!JUMP
Bouken Rider - Hey!Say!JUMP
Mayonaka no Shadow boy - Hey!Say!JUMP
School Kakumei - Hey!Say!JUMP
Deep night kimi omou - Hey!Say!JUMP
Jounetsu JUMP - Hey!Say!JUMP
Yume Iro - Hey!Say!JUMP
FLY - Hey!Say!JUMP
Memories - Hey!Say!JUMP
Born in The EARTH - Hey!Say!JUMP
Endless Dream - Hey!Say!JUMP
Hey! Say! BEST
School Days - Hey!Say!BEST
Switch - Hey!Say!BEST
Spicy - Hey!Say!BEST
Hey!Say! - Hey!Say!7 (old)
BON BON - Hey!Say!7 (old)
Kawaii Kimi No Koto Da Mono - Hey!Say!7
Sarusa iina iine - Hey!Say!7
wonderland train - Hey!Say!JUMP
Yabu and Hikaru
Tears and Smile - Yabu and Hikaru
V1 http://www.mediafire.com/?0yiazjzjazj
V2 http://www.mediafire.com/?kkfezimrymg
GO!!! - Yabu and Hikaru
Original Iro - Yabu and Hikaru
1000LIGHT - Yaotome Hikaru
Honoo Flame of Love - Yaotome Hikaru
On The Wind - Chinen Yuri
Ookiku Nare Boku - Chinen Yuri
Asia no yoru - Yamada Ryosuke
Moonlight - Yamada Ryosuke
Uruwashi no Bad Girl - Nakajima Yuto
Romeo & Juliet - Hey!Say!JUMP
chance to change - Hey!Say!JUMP
Dreams come true - Hey!Say!JUMP
Your Seed - Hey!Say!JUMP
Bouken Rider - Hey!Say!JUMP
Mayonaka no Shadow boy - Hey!Say!JUMP
School Kakumei - Hey!Say!JUMP
Deep night kimi omou - Hey!Say!JUMP
Jounetsu JUMP - Hey!Say!JUMP
Yume Iro - Hey!Say!JUMP
FLY - Hey!Say!JUMP
Memories - Hey!Say!JUMP
Born in The EARTH - Hey!Say!JUMP
Endless Dream - Hey!Say!JUMP
Hey! Say! BEST
School Days - Hey!Say!BEST
Switch - Hey!Say!BEST
Spicy - Hey!Say!BEST
Hey!Say! - Hey!Say!7 (old)
BON BON - Hey!Say!7 (old)
Kawaii Kimi No Koto Da Mono - Hey!Say!7
Sarusa iina iine - Hey!Say!7
wonderland train - Hey!Say!JUMP
Yabu and Hikaru
Tears and Smile - Yabu and Hikaru
V1 http://www.mediafire.com/?0yiazjzjazj
V2 http://www.mediafire.com/?kkfezimrymg
GO!!! - Yabu and Hikaru
Original Iro - Yabu and Hikaru
1000LIGHT - Yaotome Hikaru
Honoo Flame of Love - Yaotome Hikaru
On The Wind - Chinen Yuri
Ookiku Nare Boku - Chinen Yuri
Asia no yoru - Yamada Ryosuke
Moonlight - Yamada Ryosuke
Uruwashi no Bad Girl - Nakajima Yuto
[SongLyric] Berubah - Edcoustic
Album : Masa Muda
Munsyid : edCoustic
Munsyid : edCoustic
Berubahkah aku hanya bila ada sesuatu
Terus aku pulang pada sikap sebelum kuberubah
Hanya sekedar sesuatu tak berapa lamapun itu
Jarang kuterendap dalam sikap dimana kuberubah
Reff :
Tuhan aku hanya manusia
Mudah berubah lagi dalam sekejap
Tuhan aku ingin berubah
Dan kubertahan dalam perubahanku
Lagu/lirik : Deden Supriadi
Kamis, 27 September 2012
[Download] Hey! Say! JUMP Ringtone for Message and Phone
Konbanwa minna sama, genki desuka? ^^
Well, now I'm going to share the audio ringtone. I cut it from Hey! Say! JUMP original song, so it becomes shorter and we can use it for message alert. Yes, I use it for my message ringtone and phone call. And I wanna share it to you, so you also can use it for yours. ^^
Do you want, minna? Douzo, download it here....
Oh yeah, wasurette... I wanna you leave comment after you get to download it, minna ^^
Doumo arigatou~
1. Endless Dream
2. Hitomi no Screen Yamachan solo part (say 'I love you')
3. Beat Line reff
4. Thank you ~Bokutachi kara kimi e~ Yamachan part
5. Start Time Yamachan solo part
6. Dreams come true
The password for all files is: asyamachan
Well, now I'm going to share the audio ringtone. I cut it from Hey! Say! JUMP original song, so it becomes shorter and we can use it for message alert. Yes, I use it for my message ringtone and phone call. And I wanna share it to you, so you also can use it for yours. ^^
Do you want, minna? Douzo, download it here....
Oh yeah, wasurette... I wanna you leave comment after you get to download it, minna ^^
Doumo arigatou~
1. Endless Dream
2. Hitomi no Screen Yamachan solo part (say 'I love you')
3. Beat Line reff
4. Thank you ~Bokutachi kara kimi e~ Yamachan part
5. Start Time Yamachan solo part
6. Dreams come true
The password for all files is: asyamachan
Rabu, 26 September 2012
[NYC News] POTATO 10.2012 NYC crosstalk NYC’s Problem Prescription
POTATO 10.2012 NYC crosstalk
NYC’s Problem Prescription
CREDIT: inluvwithhsj
1. I have a crush on three people, and I’ve never spoken to them, on
top of that they are younger than me. How should I ask them out?
First, talk to them. Everything starts there!
Yamada: What? Three crushes!?
Chinen: Then go out with them all. (笑)
Nakayama: Or like, don’t limit your crushes to three, and like more people.
Chinen: I know! You decide Monday, I’m going out with this person, on
Tuesday, I’m going out with this person…and allocate a person to each
day of the week!
Nakayama: Yeah, just completely separate your feelings.
Yamada: Oh god no. (笑)Well, we’re all like, so shocked that we’re
saying this random stuff. (笑)Like, we’ve never had crushes on 3 people
at once, so I don’t get how she feels…
Nakayama: True that. What should we do?
Chinen: Well like, the problem is that she’s never talked to them.
Yamada: Yeah. It’s way before you can say you’ve crushed on them.
Chinen: First, talk to them. Everything starts there, I think.
Nakayama: I think so too.
Senin, 24 September 2012
[SongLyric] Aku Tanpa Cinta-Mu - Mirwana
Aku Tanpa Cinta-Mu
Album :
Munsyid : Mirwana
Munsyid : Mirwana
Lihat juga video nya disini: [disclaimer]
Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi
Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri
Aku takkan tempuh lagi
Apakah kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku
Faizal: Mengapa cintaMu tak pernah hadir
Subur dalam jiwaku
Agarku tetap bahagia
Tanpa cintaku tetaplah Kau di sana
Aku tanpa cintaMu
Bagai layang-layang terputus talinya
JayJay:Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi
Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri
Aku takkan tempuh lagi
Apakah kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku
C/O: Masihkah ada sekelumit belas
Mengemis kasihMu Tuhan
Untukku berpaut dan bersandar
Aku di sini kan tetap terus mencuba
Untuk beroleh cintaMu
Walau ranjaunya menusuk pedih
3:35 minit
Lagu: Mujahid Abdul Wahab
Lirik: Mujahid Abdul Wahab
Producer: Mujahid Abdul Wahab
Vocal Arrangement: Mirwana
Music Arrangement: Mujahid Abdul Wahab
Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi
Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri
Aku takkan tempuh lagi
Apakah kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku
Faizal: Mengapa cintaMu tak pernah hadir
Subur dalam jiwaku
Agarku tetap bahagia
Tanpa cintaku tetaplah Kau di sana
Aku tanpa cintaMu
Bagai layang-layang terputus talinya
JayJay:Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi
Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri
Aku takkan tempuh lagi
Apakah kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku
C/O: Masihkah ada sekelumit belas
Mengemis kasihMu Tuhan
Untukku berpaut dan bersandar
Aku di sini kan tetap terus mencuba
Untuk beroleh cintaMu
Walau ranjaunya menusuk pedih
3:35 minit
Lagu: Mujahid Abdul Wahab
Lirik: Mujahid Abdul Wahab
Producer: Mujahid Abdul Wahab
Vocal Arrangement: Mirwana
Music Arrangement: Mujahid Abdul Wahab
[SongLyric] Kesaksian - Brothers
Album :
Munsyid : Brothers
Munsyid : Brothers
Bersaksilah tuhanku satu
Segala puji bagi tuhan
Hadir Muhammad bawa kebenaran
Walau disiksa dihina
Takkan sekali ku berpatah arah
Untukmu agamamu
Untukku kebenaran Tuhanku
Siksalah jasadku
Takkanku tunduk pada kejahilanmu
Kerna mengalir di seluruh tubuhku
Kalimah Tuhan dari lidah Rasulku
Dan itu yang ku percaya
Deritaku menjadi saksi bisu
Tanda kasihku kepada Yang Terulung
Walau disirami debu yang menangis
Genggamku ini takku lepaskan
(Takku lepaskan)
Panaslah sang mentari
Lafaz kalimah takkanku henti
Siksalah jasadku
Takkanku tunduk pada kejahilanmu
Kerna mengalir di seluruh tubuhku
Kalimah tuhan dari lidah Rasulku
Dan itu yang ku percaya
Bersaksilah tuhanku satu
Takku lepaskan
Panaslah sang mentari
Lafaz kalimah takkanku henti
Siksalah jasadku
Takkanku tunduk pada kejahilanmu
Kerna mengalir di seluruh tubuhku
Kalimah tuhan dari lidah Rasulku
Dan itu yang ku percaya
[SongLyric] Muhasabah Cinta - Edcoustic
Saya kenal lagu ini waktu kelas 2 SMA. Dan saya langsung suka sama lagu ini. Sampai sekarang. Ini lagu semacam soundtrack gitu kalo lagi kurang sehat T-T
Apapun, seharusnya muhasabah kan bukan hanya ketika kita sedang di bawah. Tapi, mungkin itulah kekurangan manusia, terutama saya. Ampuni Yaa Rabb... T_T
Lihat video clip disini: [disclaimer]
Muhasabah Cinta
Album :
Munsyid : EdCoustic
Munsyid : EdCoustic
Wahai... Pemilik nyawaku
Betapa lemah diriku ini
Berat ujian dariMu
Kupasrahkan semua padaMu
Tuhan... Baru ku sadar
Indah nikmat sehat itu
Tak pandai aku bersyukur
Kini kuharapkan cintaMu
Reff. :
Kata-kata cinta terucap indah
Mengalun berzikir di kidung doaku
Sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
Butir-butir cinta air mataku
Teringat semua yang Kau beri untukku
Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini
Ya ilahi....
Muhasabah cintaku...
Tuhan... Kuatkan aku
Lindungiku dari putus asa
Jika ku harus mati
Pertemukan aku denganMu
Sabtu, 22 September 2012
[Project] Fan Video for Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary
KOnnichiwa~ Minna sama...
Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's half pass one here in my place when Im writing this post^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping
Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^
For now, I want to post the FanVid.
Jya, here are the Fanvids from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^
You can watch it directly on Youtube by clicking the link, or you download it from the link...
Okay, here we go~
password: minachi
Aia Catalan - Philippines (https://www.facebook.com/yamadaia)
Watch Fanvid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPYRvpdqsik&fb_source=message
Amel Chan - HSJ Lounge
Watch Fanvid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX_aVHydadY&feature=player_embedded
Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's half pass one here in my place when Im writing this post^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping
Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^
---- We are Hey! Say! JUMP Fans,
so much love for JUMP. When meeting and seeing you directly is
impossible for us, we just be able to make this little gift for you.
Just for proofing our love for you, for JUMP. We know this is just
ordinary thing, but you have to know, JUMP, this is made by full of LOVE
and HOPE for you. We LOVE you with whole of our heart, deeply.
Our love for JUMP is extra ordinary LOVE ----
For now, I want to post the FanVid.
Jya, here are the Fanvids from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^
You can watch it directly on Youtube by clicking the link, or you download it from the link...
Okay, here we go~
Asy-Syauqie Yamazaki (Asy-chan) - Indonesia (https://www.facebook.com/zakiyahasysyauqie)
Watch Fanvid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjNXYd6R5lI&feature=youtu.be
Mina N. Chi - Philippines (https://www.facebook.com/cathy.nuqui)
Fanvid 1
Or Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ys01kf887maqfa5
password: minachi
Fanvid 2
Watch here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7DsjIVOV6g
Or download here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ys01kf887maqfa5password: minachi
Aia Catalan - Philippines (https://www.facebook.com/yamadaia)
Watch Fanvid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPYRvpdqsik&fb_source=message
Amel Chan - HSJ Lounge
Watch Fanvid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX_aVHydadY&feature=player_embedded
So, you still be able to see how much we love JUMP. These are our dedications for Hey! Say! JUMP. We always wish the best for JUMP. Keep Fighting JUMP, Keep singing for our spirit ^^
[Project] Poetry for Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary
KOnnichiwa~ Minna sama...
Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's one o'clock here in my place when Im writing this post^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping
Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^
Jya, here are the poetries from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^
Nama: Yuki Akanishi
ku lihat, kudengar, dan kurasakan
Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's one o'clock here in my place when Im writing this post^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping
Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^
---- We are Hey! Say! JUMP Fans,
so much love for JUMP. When meeting and seeing you directly is
impossible for us, we just be able to make this little gift for you.
Just for proofing our love for you, for JUMP. We know this is just
ordinary thing, but you have to know, JUMP, this is made by full of LOVE
and HOPE for you. We LOVE you with whole of our heart, deeply.
Our love for JUMP is extra ordinary LOVE ----
Jya, here are the poetries from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^
Yuki Akanishi - Indonesia (https://www.facebook.com/yuki.hime.akanishi)
Nama: Yuki Akanishi
Umur: 19 th
Gender: Female
Hey ! Say ! JUMP (i'm here)
ku lihat, kudengar, dan kurasakan
setiap lantunan indah yang kau nyanyikan
setiap senyuman mempesona yang tulus dari hatimu
ingin aku berteriak
menyerukan namamu yang selalu menari-nari di hatiku
dan berkata 'aku sangat mencintaimu'
kau bukan sekedar sosok yang ku kagumi
dirimu seperti doktrin penyemangat hariku
menunggu dalam gundah
berharap melihatmu didepan mata
Sebuah harapan kosong seperti fartamorgana yang indah
Kau laksana berlian di langit
Yang semakin bersinar dan tak sanggup untuk kugapai
Andai saja kau bisa melihatku
Lihatlah aku disini
Pada barisan beludru yang membentang rapih menatapmu
[Project] MINE {My Ichiban's Name Elaboration} for Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary
Konnichiwa~ Minna sama...
Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's quarter pass twelve in my place when Im writing this post ^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping
Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^
MINE is the abbreviation from My Ichiban's Name Elaboration. So, here all JUMPers will make the elaboration of their Ichiban's name and also of Hey! Say! JUMP name.
Jya, here are the Elaboration from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^
Name : Nur Syarah Adiba ( Hime Syara )
R-evere him, not because his popularity
Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's quarter pass twelve in my place when Im writing this post ^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping
Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^
---- We are Hey! Say! JUMP Fans,
so much love for JUMP. When meeting and seeing you directly is
impossible for us, we just be able to make this little gift for you.
Just for proofing our love for you, for JUMP. We know this is just
ordinary thing, but you have to know, JUMP, this is made by full of LOVE
and HOPE for you. We LOVE you with whole of our heart, deeply.
Our love for JUMP is extra ordinary LOVE ----
MINE is the abbreviation from My Ichiban's Name Elaboration. So, here all JUMPers will make the elaboration of their Ichiban's name and also of Hey! Say! JUMP name.
Jya, here are the Elaboration from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^
Hime Syara - Malaysia (https://www.facebook.com/syarasuke)
Name : Nur Syarah Adiba ( Hime Syara )
Age : 18 yo
Gender : female
Country : Malaysia
Y-amada Ryosuke
A-lways be
M-y love
A-nd I
A-dore him so much. I
R-evere him, not because his popularity
Y-et because
O-f his money
S-incerely from me, and
U-nited of all of fans’s heart. He is always be
K-ing of our heart,
[Project] Photo Edit for Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary
Ohayou~ Minna sama...
Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's eleven o'clock here in my place ^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping
Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^
Jya, here are the photo edit from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^
Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's eleven o'clock here in my place ^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping
Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^
---- We are Hey! Say! JUMP Fans,
have so much love for JUMP. When meeting and seeing you directly is impossible for us, we just be able to make this little gift for you. Just for proofing our love for you, for JUMP. We know this is just ordinary thing, but you have to know, JUMP, this is made by full of LOVE and HOPE for you. We LOVE you with whole of our heart, deeply.
Our love for JUMP is extra ordinary LOVE ----
Jya, here are the photo edit from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^
Amel Chan - Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge![]() | |||
Tribute 1 by Amel Chan |
![]() | ||
Tribute 2 by Amel Chan |
Senin, 17 September 2012
[DearDiary] ~Keun, wayahna sabar~
"Keun, wayahna sabar"
can you get the point fr0m that words?
Yes, i try to get the point. . And absolutely 'must'
sekarang ini, semangat saya sdang bersembunyi entah dimana,
karena tak bisa juga kalau dikatakan hilang sama sekali.
Tidak, saya yakin. Ia hanya bersembunyi.
Main petak umpet. Dan ingin saya mencarinya lagi. .
entah sudah berapa banyak 'huft' yg saya keluarkan.
Entah sudah berapa kali saya mengeluh hari ini.
Entah sudah berapa centi juga bibir saya manyun.
Entahlah. .
Yang jelas, takkan ada orang yg suka dgn itu semua.
Of course, termasuk saya.
Terkadang, saya ingin menyewa seseorang untuk skdar mmberi saya semangat.
Tapi, hey!
Lo0k ar0und!
Bahkan tanpa disewa pun, orang2 di sekeliling yg sayang pd saya sudah dgn snang hati mberikan d0r0ngan m0ril. .
Lalu apa gunanya juga orang lain mendor0ng kuat-kuat kalau saya sendiri masih bertahan menginjak rem.
[DearDiary] Karena ALLAH tidak pernah tidur~
ALLAH itu tidak tidur....
Haqul Yaqin...
That's really true...
Pukul tiga pagi tadi, saya terbangun oleh sms yang datang dari teman saya.Tanpa pikir panjang saya pun membukanya, walaupun dengan mata yang samar terbuka dan lampu yang gelap gulita.
"Can you help me to copy and submit the report tomorrow? I have to teach. R*** asked me to replace her again, I was getting mad :@"
Saya langsung mengerti apa yg dia maksud. Pasti satu orang itu minta teman saya untuk menggantikannya lagi dengan berbagai alasan yang ada. Ya, dia sudah sering melakukannya. Dan itu membuat orang kesal *saya tepatnya*
Dan, okay. Saya setuju. Kami janjian pukul 6.30 untuk berangkat ke sekolah.
Sesampainya disana kami menemui berbagai hambatan dan alhasil saya harus bolak-balik sekolah-kampus-sekolah by angkot. Hanya untuk mengurus laporan2 milik teman saya yang entah dimana keberadaannya. Entah dia hilang ditelan paus atau apa * XD jahat banget*
Next, saya kembali ke sekolah. Dan menunggu teman saya yang sedang mengajar.
Dia baru selesai pukul setengah dua.
Tanpa berlama-lama, kami langsung cabut dan mengerjakan sisa laporan + mengumpulkannya di jurusan.
[DearDiary] Just hate me if I deserve to be hated!
Well, saya tahu saya menyebalkan. Menyebalkan sekali. Sangat sangat sangat menyebalkan!!
Okay, saya akui. Saya ini benar2 merepotkan, mengesalkan, segalanya dehh...
Gak bisa diatur!
Gak bisa dibilangin!
Gak bisa dikasih tahu!
Keras kepala!
Gak pernah nurutt!!
Itu semua, sifat menyebalkan saya. Yang saya miliki. Dan saya pelihara walaupun sebenarnya saya tidak berniat memelihara.
Apa itu?
Kenapa saya berkata seperti itu?
Ya, karena buktinya dia sering kesal pada saya.
Sering marah *umm, baiklah, hanya kesal, tidak sampai marah*
Ya, sering BT dan bad mood karena saya..
Apa yang sudah saya lakukan pasti bikin dia kesalll sekesal-kesalllnyaaaa :@
Okay, saya akui. Saya ini benar2 merepotkan, mengesalkan, segalanya dehh...
Gak bisa diatur!
Gak bisa dibilangin!
Gak bisa dikasih tahu!
Keras kepala!
Gak pernah nurutt!!
Itu semua, sifat menyebalkan saya. Yang saya miliki. Dan saya pelihara walaupun sebenarnya saya tidak berniat memelihara.
Apa itu?
Kenapa saya berkata seperti itu?
Ya, karena buktinya dia sering kesal pada saya.
Sering marah *umm, baiklah, hanya kesal, tidak sampai marah*
Ya, sering BT dan bad mood karena saya..
Apa yang sudah saya lakukan pasti bikin dia kesalll sekesal-kesalllnyaaaa :@
Sabtu, 15 September 2012
[DearDiary] When I decided to be a Fan Girl~ (When will I decide to stop?)
When I decided to be a fangirl...
Why? I dunno... I dunno why I becoming a fangirl right now... --'
Years ago I dont know anything about this world...
I was really 'naive' and just like 'baka'
But, when I knew Yamada Ryosuke and Hey! Say! JUMP, I dunno why, I directly and spontanously decided to be a fangirl, althought not as fanatic as the other.

I do everything, but I thought that what I did was not maximal...
many things that I havent done yet for proofing my love for Yamada Ryosuke and HSJ..
But, as long as my life, this was a massive changes in my life especially in fandom world...
I never did these before.. Never...
I dunno what is fangirl, fanboy, fanfiction, etc...
And because of Yamada Ryosuke (now I will call him Yamachan), I knew those things, I knew many new things...
I dunno, but I like becoming Fangirl, especially for Yamachan <3 ^3^
Sometimes, I regret..
Why did I have to know him so late...
Why didnt I know him years, years ago?
So I could spent more time with my hobby as fangirl...
[NYC News] "NYC-YamaChii & Yuma 09-05-2012" Random Talk (English & Indonesian)
English Full Credit: Duane Chan liveJournal & Amel Chan (HSJ Lounge)
Read English in Duane Chan livejournal Here
Read English in Duane Chan livejournal Here
Indonesian Translation
Chinen : Diantara manusia dan binatang, well menurutku Yama-chan masuk ke kategori manusia ne...
Yamada: Benar!
Chinen : Dan dia punya wajah yang cantik.
Yamada: Benarkah?
Chinen : No 3 kalau di NYC.
Yamada: Itu urutan terakhir!
Yamada: Apa yang kau suka dari ku?
Chinen : Aku tidak tahu. Karena kita selalu bersama dan tahu semuanya. Aku jadi blank saat berfikir "Aku suka ini dari mu".
Yamada: Benar!
Chinen : Dan dia punya wajah yang cantik.
Yamada: Benarkah?
Chinen : No 3 kalau di NYC.
Yamada: Itu urutan terakhir!
Yamada: Apa yang kau suka dari ku?
Chinen : Aku tidak tahu. Karena kita selalu bersama dan tahu semuanya. Aku jadi blank saat berfikir "Aku suka ini dari mu".
Yamada: Benar. Setelah sekian lama, itu menjadi hal kosong saat dibicarakan.
Yamada: Bicara tentang masak, aku membuat tonkatsu dan memberikannya ke Chinen.
Chinen: un un, itu mirufiiyu tonkatsu (millefeuille tonkatsu).
Chinen orang yang seperti apa?
[orang yang tidak suka anjing] Tapi dia berteman baik dengan anjing ku
Cookie. Menurut ku, Dia terlihat seperti teman baik nya Cookie. Ee kamu
bilang "Aku akan terlihat cute jika bersama anjing". Kamu bohong Chinen
[HSJ News] "YAMACHII 10-05-2012" Random Talk (English & Indonesian Language)
Full Credit: Duane Chan liveJournal & HSJ Lounge
Read English in Duane Chan livejournal Here
Read English in Duane Chan livejournal Here
Indonesian Translation
Tanggal 4/21 setelah shooting School Kakumei, Ryosuke memaksa Yuri untuk
pergi dengannya ke Starbuck. Yuri tidak ingin memesan apapun, jadi
Ryosuke berdebat dengannya meskipun sudah sampai ke Counter. Walau Yurii
sudah memesan biscuit perdebatan mereka masih berlanjut. Ryosuke
terlihat seperti orang tua Yuri. Staff Starbucks bilang dia prihatin
dengan Yuri yang terlalu kurus.
Tanggal 5/10, Yuri, Ryosuke dan Keito masuk ke convenience store,
Ryosuke berhasil mendapatkan barang dengan kualitas tinggi. Keito bilang
biarkan Yuri yang membayarnya, tapi Ryosuke balas bahwa Yuri tidak
perlu membayarnya
Yamachii articles credits to: kenken & hey_say_jumpers@twitter
"YAMACHII 2012.05.10"
[chinen-kun yang memilih Yuma untuk berbagi tempat tidur dengannya]
Yamada: Kamu tidak menyukai ku...
Chinen : tidak, jika aku dengan Yama-chan, yuma akan berpikir "Bukankah diantara mereka berdua ada sesuatu?"
Yuma : Apa? jadi ada sesuatu diantara kalian?
Yamada & Chinen: tidak ada apa-apa diantara kami!! (tertawa dengan berisik)
Kamis, 13 September 2012
[HSJ News] Yamada Ryosuke-Chinen Yuri (YamaChii) 08-06-2012
Read English Translation HERE
Full credit (English) to Duane Chan & Amel Chan
Full credit (English) to Duane Chan & Amel Chan
Indonesian Translation
Yamada: Aku suka saat Chinen bersifat manis pada ku. Bagaimanapun juga.
Chinen : Lihat? Seperti dugaan ku kamu akan suka. Mulai dari sekarang aku akan bersikap manis.
Yamada: Waa, lakukan itu secukupnya (berkeringat)
[Apakah kamu menginap di rumah Ryosuke kun untuk tidur?]
Chinen : Aku tidak pergi kesana akhir-akhir ini, tapi sepanjang musim
panas aku tinggal di sana. Keluarga Yamada mengizinkan ku ikut bersama
mereka pergi ke taman dan lainnya. Aku juga tinggal di rumah Arioka dan
Keito. Aku sudah menjadi anggota keluarga mereka.
Yamada: Akhirnya kita lulus dari Sekolah Menengah Atas. Mulai dari
sekarang kesempatan kita bertemu akan semakin sedikit Chinen. Tapi tidak
akan terjadi apa-apa. Sebenarnya, kami bertemu setiap hari (tertawa).
Chinen : Well, Yamachan (melihat kedalam mata) karena kau sudah mengejutkan ku sepanjang hari ulang tahun ku!
Yamada: Kamu sudah mengatakannya (tertawa) jangan bilang apapun tentang kejutannya.
[HSJ News] Radio Show - History YAMACHII Name (Yamada Ryosuke & Chinen Yuri)
Full Credit Source: http://jump-daisuki.livejournal.com/ & HSJ Lounge (Amel Chan)
Pichi Lemon April 2009 – Popular Radio show Hey!Say!7 UltraPower
Yamada Ryosuke Chinen Yuri
A radio show which Hey!Say!7’s member appear in group of two and let us hear their talk. Problem solving, keyword talk, phrases you want them to say and etc… They’ve spread-out fun talks by answering to the listeners. We burst into middle of Yamada & Chinen duo version’s recording the day before for our magazine comes out!
Yuri: It’s fun with Yama chan. I feel like the recording just passes by!
Ryosuke: Thanks! I feel somewhat comfortable with Chinen too.
Yuri: Isn’t it like how we usually talk?
Ryosuke: Yeah. We’re completely ourselves.
Yuri: I get too embarrassed to talk on TV or when my face is shown. I can only talk like myself on the radio!
Ryosuke: Even though we messed up a lot today (laughs)
Yuri: Especially the word “situation” I can never get it right!
Ryosuke: We were so hyped up, it was crazy (laughs)
Yuri: That reminds me, Yama chan called me by my first name in today’s recording! Why is that?
Ryosuke: Because the script said “Yuri” (laughs) But really, I’ve never actually called him by that.
Yuri: Even though the other (7) member calls me by my first name… Does that mean I’m the only stranger to you!?
Ryosuke: That’s not it (laughs). There’s no special reason!
Yamada Ryosuke Chinen Yuri
A radio show which Hey!Say!7’s member appear in group of two and let us hear their talk. Problem solving, keyword talk, phrases you want them to say and etc… They’ve spread-out fun talks by answering to the listeners. We burst into middle of Yamada & Chinen duo version’s recording the day before for our magazine comes out!
Yuri: It’s fun with Yama chan. I feel like the recording just passes by!
Ryosuke: Thanks! I feel somewhat comfortable with Chinen too.
Yuri: Isn’t it like how we usually talk?
Ryosuke: Yeah. We’re completely ourselves.
Yuri: I get too embarrassed to talk on TV or when my face is shown. I can only talk like myself on the radio!
Ryosuke: Even though we messed up a lot today (laughs)
Yuri: Especially the word “situation” I can never get it right!
Ryosuke: We were so hyped up, it was crazy (laughs)
Yuri: That reminds me, Yama chan called me by my first name in today’s recording! Why is that?
Ryosuke: Because the script said “Yuri” (laughs) But really, I’ve never actually called him by that.
Yuri: Even though the other (7) member calls me by my first name… Does that mean I’m the only stranger to you!?
Ryosuke: That’s not it (laughs). There’s no special reason!
[HSJ News] Shounen Club 2007-10-14 Exchange Letter Chinen Yuri, Yamada Ryosuke, Yuto Nakajima
Credit: http://www.youtube.com/user/ukasusasXsasusaku & Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge
The first
time I met Yamada kun
It Was when
I moved from Shizuoka to Tokyo
At that
time, I really nervous
And Yamada Kun had come and asked with me
if everything is okay?
I was really
And one day,
In a convenience
store, when we queue to pay
Yamada kun came from behind unexpectedly and paid for
That time I
though that you was really cool and kakkoi desu yo ne
I think I
can’t compare to Yamada kun
In HS7, Yamada kun always makes people laugh
And like imitating
And the best
you imitated is Enari Kazuki san
That’s unexpectable
To be on the
same team with a kind, funny, and cool person like Yamada kun
I feel
really happy
From now and
on, please take care of me okay
Yamada: Yes I really happy too...
Yamada Kun for Nakajima Kun
To Nakajima kun
Do you
remember that we first did this before?
At first I
felt a bit worried
Althougt we
are the same age but you are my senior
So I always
used formal language, but one day on announcement day of HS7
Selasa, 11 September 2012
[SongLyric] Hey! Say! JUMP - Thank you ~bokutachi kara kimi e~ (Japanese, English, Indonesian)
CREDITS: http://ladydalatis.livejournal.com/24872.html
Thank you ~ Bokutachi kara kimi e ~
Thank you ~ From us to you ~
Terimakasih ~ Dari kami untuk kalian ~
Sayonara wo suru mae ni bokutachi kara kimi e
Before we bid goodbye, from us to you
Sebelum kami mengucapkan selamat tinggal, dari kami untuk kalian
Kansha no komichi ni ma gokoro wo komete
With this feeling of gratefulness
Dengan rasa terimakasih ini
Todoketai yo, kono uta
We wish this song will reach you
Kami berharap lagu ini dapat mencapai kalian
Kyou, kimi to bokutachi wa
Today, you and us
Hari ini, kalian dan kami
Ikutsu yume wo mita darou
How many dreams you’ve seen?
Berapa banyak mimpi yang telah kalian lihat?
Kazu kazu no bamen irunna omoi de
I have many scene of wish, various memories
Banyak keinginan dan bermacam memori
Zenbu hikari kagayaku with you
All of them will shine with you
Semua itu akan bersinar bersama kalian
![]() |
CREDITS: http://uswatunhasanahast.blogspot.com/2012/06/hey-say-jump-thank-you-bokutachi-kara.html#.UE8YPqNjNGM |
Thank you ~ Bokutachi kara kimi e ~
Thank you ~ From us to you ~
Terimakasih ~ Dari kami untuk kalian ~
Sayonara wo suru mae ni bokutachi kara kimi e
Before we bid goodbye, from us to you
Sebelum kami mengucapkan selamat tinggal, dari kami untuk kalian
Kansha no komichi ni ma gokoro wo komete
With this feeling of gratefulness
Dengan rasa terimakasih ini
Todoketai yo, kono uta
We wish this song will reach you
Kami berharap lagu ini dapat mencapai kalian
Kyou, kimi to bokutachi wa
Today, you and us
Hari ini, kalian dan kami
Ikutsu yume wo mita darou
How many dreams you’ve seen?
Berapa banyak mimpi yang telah kalian lihat?
Kazu kazu no bamen irunna omoi de
I have many scene of wish, various memories
Banyak keinginan dan bermacam memori
Zenbu hikari kagayaku with you
All of them will shine with you
Semua itu akan bersinar bersama kalian
Senin, 10 September 2012
[Info] Angka dan Sistem Penghitungan dalam Bahasa Jepang
CREDITS: Japanese for All
Bangsa Jepang pada zaman dahulu (dan dalam jumlah yang cukup terbatas pada zaman sekarang) menggunakan angka-angka Tionghoa, yang lalu dibawa ke Korea dan sampai ke Jepang. Berikut ini adalah daftar angka-angka Jepang.
Angka dan Sistem Penghitungan
Bangsa Jepang pada zaman dahulu (dan dalam jumlah yang cukup terbatas pada zaman sekarang) menggunakan angka-angka Tionghoa, yang lalu dibawa ke Korea dan sampai ke Jepang. Berikut ini adalah daftar angka-angka Jepang.
一 (ichi) Satu
二 (ni) Dua
三 (san) Tiga
四 (yon) Empat
五 (go) Lima
六 (roku) Enam
七 (nana) Tujuh
八 (hachi) Delapan
九 (kyu) Sembilan
十 (juu) Sepuluh
Setelah Kekaisaran Jepang mulai dipengaruhi oleh Eropa, angka-angka Arab mulai digunakan secara besar-besaran, dan hampir mengganti sepenuhnya kegunaan angka Tionghoa ini.
Dalam penggunaannya di Bahasa Jepang, dan untungnya juga agak mirip di bahasa Indonesia, angka-angka ini tidak bisa digunakan seperti itu saja untuk menyatakan sebuah jumlah dari sebuah barang, waktu dan sebagainya. Pertama-tama jenis barangnya harus dipertimbangkan, lalu ukurannya, dan akhirnya jumlahnya. Cara berhitung untuk waktu dan tanggal pun berbeda-beda, maka satu hal yang harus dilakukan adalah menghafalkan cara angka-angka ini bergabung dengan satuannya.
二 (ni) Dua
三 (san) Tiga
四 (yon) Empat
五 (go) Lima
六 (roku) Enam
七 (nana) Tujuh
八 (hachi) Delapan
九 (kyu) Sembilan
十 (juu) Sepuluh
Setelah Kekaisaran Jepang mulai dipengaruhi oleh Eropa, angka-angka Arab mulai digunakan secara besar-besaran, dan hampir mengganti sepenuhnya kegunaan angka Tionghoa ini.
Dalam penggunaannya di Bahasa Jepang, dan untungnya juga agak mirip di bahasa Indonesia, angka-angka ini tidak bisa digunakan seperti itu saja untuk menyatakan sebuah jumlah dari sebuah barang, waktu dan sebagainya. Pertama-tama jenis barangnya harus dipertimbangkan, lalu ukurannya, dan akhirnya jumlahnya. Cara berhitung untuk waktu dan tanggal pun berbeda-beda, maka satu hal yang harus dilakukan adalah menghafalkan cara angka-angka ini bergabung dengan satuannya.
Sabtu, 08 September 2012
[Info] J-SLANK (Male)
CREDITS: http://www.facebook.com/BBJ.Nihongoobenkyoushimasu
Berikut ini adalah 20 gramatika yang biasa digunakan oleh Anak laki-laki dalam anime (J-SLANK)
Note: yang didalam kurung berarti bentuk biasa (sopan-nya)
1. ~n’da (~n’desu) = Digunakan untuk menekankan suatu hal secara emosional.
Contoh: Boku wa mou kodomo ja nai’n da. (Watashi wa kodomo ja nai’n desu.) = Aq bukan anak kecil lagi!!
2. ~da yo (desu yo) = Digunakan untuk menekankan informasi kepada si lawan bicara yang tdk tahu, atau untuk menunjukkan penilaian akan suatu hal.
Contoh: Boku, heiki da yo. (Watashi wa heiki desu yo). = Aq nggak terganggu kok (aq nggak apa-apa kok)
3. ~da yo ne (desu yo ne) = Digunakan jika pembicara ingin memperhalus penegasan dan lawan bicara pun sudah mengetahui subjek yang dibicarakan.
Contoh: Uchuu-jin datte onaji da yo ne. (Uchuu-jin demo onaji desu yo ne.) = Bahkan alien pun sama kan..
4. ~desho (desu yo ne) = Digunakan untuk mengkonfirmasi sesuatu. Si pembicara dalam hal ini mengharapkan bahwa lawan bicara juga berpendapat yang sama dengannya.
Contoh: Sugoi desho. (Sugoi desu yo ne.) = Hebat kan!
5. ~sa (yo) = Digunakan dalam percakapan yg sgt tidak formal, oleh lelaki sebagai penegasan.
Contoh: Boku datte wakatteta sa! (Watashi demo wakatte imasu yo!) = Kayak gtu sih aku pun tahu!
Berikut ini adalah 20 gramatika yang biasa digunakan oleh Anak laki-laki dalam anime (J-SLANK)
Note: yang didalam kurung berarti bentuk biasa (sopan-nya)
1. ~n’da (~n’desu) = Digunakan untuk menekankan suatu hal secara emosional.
Contoh: Boku wa mou kodomo ja nai’n da. (Watashi wa kodomo ja nai’n desu.) = Aq bukan anak kecil lagi!!
2. ~da yo (desu yo) = Digunakan untuk menekankan informasi kepada si lawan bicara yang tdk tahu, atau untuk menunjukkan penilaian akan suatu hal.
Contoh: Boku, heiki da yo. (Watashi wa heiki desu yo). = Aq nggak terganggu kok (aq nggak apa-apa kok)
3. ~da yo ne (desu yo ne) = Digunakan jika pembicara ingin memperhalus penegasan dan lawan bicara pun sudah mengetahui subjek yang dibicarakan.
Contoh: Uchuu-jin datte onaji da yo ne. (Uchuu-jin demo onaji desu yo ne.) = Bahkan alien pun sama kan..
4. ~desho (desu yo ne) = Digunakan untuk mengkonfirmasi sesuatu. Si pembicara dalam hal ini mengharapkan bahwa lawan bicara juga berpendapat yang sama dengannya.
Contoh: Sugoi desho. (Sugoi desu yo ne.) = Hebat kan!
5. ~sa (yo) = Digunakan dalam percakapan yg sgt tidak formal, oleh lelaki sebagai penegasan.
Contoh: Boku datte wakatteta sa! (Watashi demo wakatte imasu yo!) = Kayak gtu sih aku pun tahu!
[Info] J-SLANK (Female)
CREDITS: http://www.facebook.com/BBJ.Nihongoobenkyoushimasu/posts/10151422747853902
Berikut ini adalah 20 gramatika yang biasa digunakan oleh Anak perempuan dalam anime (J-SLANK)
Berikut ini adalah 20 gramatika yang biasa digunakan oleh Anak perempuan dalam anime (J-SLANK)
Note: yang didalam kurung berarti bentuk biasa (sopan-nya)
1. ~te/~nai de = Biasa digunakan untuk menyuruh/melarang sesuatu.
-Onegai, himitsu ni shite.. (Onegai, himitsu ni shite kudasai.) Ku mohon rahasiakan hal ini.
-sawannaide! (Sawaranaide kudasai!) Jangan sentuh aku!
2. ~tageru (~te ageru)
Contoh: Atashi tori-mottatageru yo. (Watashi ga tori-motte agemasu yo.) = Biar aku yang yang ngasih deh.
3. ~cha dame (~te wa ikenai) = Digunakan sebagai bentuk larangan.
Contoh: Dame jyan. Katte ni haiccha. (Katte ni haitte wa ikemasen.) = Dilarang menerobos.
4. ~nakya/~nakucha/~nakya dame (nakereba naranai) = harus
-Otona’ppoku shinakya to omotte.. (Otona’ppoku shinakereba naranai to omoimashite.) = Sepertinya aku harus terlihat dewasa.
-Hayaku sagashi-dasa nakucha. (Hayaku sagashi-dasanakereba naranai.) = Aku harus menemukannya dengan cepat.
- Ishho janakya dame. (Issho denakereba naranai.) = Kita harus tetap sama-sama.
Jumat, 07 September 2012
[DearDiary] All about my feeling lately~
Today, I wanna write about everything.. About everything that I feel lately...
I dunno... Im confused when Im going to write this, but I do want write this becoz I like to write my story. Anything that makes me happy or vice versa.
Maybe it will be a bit random...
I just feel, umm.... Err... what can I say? I dunno what can I call this, but, this is strange.
Maybe I just feel tired with all these works. But, I might not feel like that actually. I have to enjoy these, but I dunno it's hard for me...
So many pressure... Wherever...
I dont like to be forced or compared with other...
First, my relationship with my friend. Why did I feel that become strange or.. whatever... But, that's the truth... She was different to me... Not too close like before.. I dunno the reason. But truly Im not comfort to be like this...
I am like alone, there... Ok... there's many persons. But, I ususally with her, and now she was rarely with me... Maybe I made mistake that I didnt recognize.
Then, my job in PPL. I got a job to collect the data, two, with my friend.
But, until now, I dunno where she is.. She doesnt even ask about that. Didnt call me, or text me.. never come to school... Yes, they said she was sick... I hope you get well soon ne, odaijini...
And, when nobody can be relied on, when nobody could hel me, I do it by myself... Alone....
#the data is not just for me indeed, they will use it as well... but why they didnt pay attention :(
And.... the college...
I like to study and lecturing...
But, why when I role as a teacher, I felt hard...
I just sensitive,, too sensitive.. I couldnt face the students which is not paying attention. I could snap on them, I couldnt angry to them. So, they were brave to talking back to me... Poor me -,-
I dunno... Im confused when Im going to write this, but I do want write this becoz I like to write my story. Anything that makes me happy or vice versa.
Maybe it will be a bit random...
I just feel, umm.... Err... what can I say? I dunno what can I call this, but, this is strange.
Maybe I just feel tired with all these works. But, I might not feel like that actually. I have to enjoy these, but I dunno it's hard for me...
So many pressure... Wherever...
I dont like to be forced or compared with other...
First, my relationship with my friend. Why did I feel that become strange or.. whatever... But, that's the truth... She was different to me... Not too close like before.. I dunno the reason. But truly Im not comfort to be like this...
I am like alone, there... Ok... there's many persons. But, I ususally with her, and now she was rarely with me... Maybe I made mistake that I didnt recognize.
Then, my job in PPL. I got a job to collect the data, two, with my friend.
But, until now, I dunno where she is.. She doesnt even ask about that. Didnt call me, or text me.. never come to school... Yes, they said she was sick... I hope you get well soon ne, odaijini...
And, when nobody can be relied on, when nobody could hel me, I do it by myself... Alone....
#the data is not just for me indeed, they will use it as well... but why they didnt pay attention :(
And.... the college...
I like to study and lecturing...
But, why when I role as a teacher, I felt hard...
I just sensitive,, too sensitive.. I couldnt face the students which is not paying attention. I could snap on them, I couldnt angry to them. So, they were brave to talking back to me... Poor me -,-
Selasa, 04 September 2012
[HSJ News] Hey! Say! JUMP’s Yamada Ryosuke is the 4th generation Kindaichi Hajime
Credits: tokyohive
It was announced on July 23rd that Hey! Say! JUMP’s Yamada Ryosuke (19) will be starring as Kindaichi Hajime in a special drama episode “Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo (Kindaichi Case Files) - Hongkong Kowloon Treasure Murder Case” (tentative title), to be broadcast in the winter on Nihon TV.
Based on popular manga series “Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo“, this special drama episode will be staged in Hongkong. There will be lots of showy action sequences, and popular actors and actresses from Hongkong, Korea and other countries in Asia will be participating in the special. Yamada commented with high spirits, “This is a big-scale production. I want to act out a Kindaichi that only I can portray.”
The series was last shown 7 years ago as a drama special in September of 2005. Actors who have starred in the role of Kindaichi include Kinki Kids’ Domoto Tsuyoshi (33), Arashi’s Matsumoto Jun (28), and KAT-TUN’s Kamenashi Kazuya (26).
Source: Sanspo
Image: Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge
Hey! Say! JUMP’s Yamada Ryosuke is the 4th generation Kindaichi Hajime
Based on popular manga series “Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo“, this special drama episode will be staged in Hongkong. There will be lots of showy action sequences, and popular actors and actresses from Hongkong, Korea and other countries in Asia will be participating in the special. Yamada commented with high spirits, “This is a big-scale production. I want to act out a Kindaichi that only I can portray.”
The series was last shown 7 years ago as a drama special in September of 2005. Actors who have starred in the role of Kindaichi include Kinki Kids’ Domoto Tsuyoshi (33), Arashi’s Matsumoto Jun (28), and KAT-TUN’s Kamenashi Kazuya (26).
Source: Sanspo
Image: Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge
[News] More cast members revealed for upcoming ‘Kindaichi’ special drama
CREDITS: Tokyohive
More cast members revealed for upcoming ‘Kindaichi’ special drama
Earlier we wrote that Hey! Say! JUMP’s Yamada Ryosuke would star in the upcoming Kindaichi Hajime drama. Now, additional cast members have been revealed.
On September 1, it was announced that popular Taiwanese actress Vivian Hsu (37) would appear in the upcoming Nihon TV special drama “Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo - Hongkong Kowloon Treasure Murder Case” that will be broadcast in the winter. It has been 11 years since she appeared in a Japanese drama as her last Japanese drama appearance was in Nihon TV’s “Honke no Yome” back in 2001.
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