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Sabtu, 22 September 2012

[Project] MINE {My Ichiban's Name Elaboration} for Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary

Konnichiwa~ Minna sama...
Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's quarter pass twelve in my place when Im writing this post ^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping

Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^

---- We are Hey! Say! JUMP Fans, 
have so much love for JUMP. When meeting and seeing you directly is impossible for us, we just be able to make this little gift for you. Just for proofing our love for you, for JUMP. We know this is just ordinary thing, but you have to know, JUMP, this is made by full of LOVE and HOPE for you. We LOVE you with whole of our heart, deeply. 
Our love for JUMP is extra ordinary LOVE ----  

MINE is the abbreviation from My Ichiban's Name Elaboration. So, here all JUMPers will make the elaboration of their Ichiban's name and also of Hey! Say! JUMP name.

Jya, here are the Elaboration from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^

Hime Syara - Malaysia (
Name : Nur Syarah Adiba ( Hime Syara )
Age : 18 yo
Gender : female
Country : Malaysia
Y-amada Ryosuke
A-lways be
M-y love
A-nd I
A-dore him so much. I 
R-evere him, not because his popularity
Y-et because
O-f his money
S-incerely from me, and
U-nited of all of fans’s heart. He is always be
K-ing of our heart,
H-ey Say JUMP will be
Y-oung for us
S-oon in the future,
A-ll of them will be old, but for us, they still
Y-oung and handsome
J-June, July and all of the months, we will be
U-nited to support them. We
M-ust keep believe, they will be 10 again.
P-eace and love from me, and JUMpers around the world.
Amel Chan - Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge
Name: Amel Chan
Country: HSJLounge
Gender: Female


Y=arn about me as Yamada’s simply fan.
A=dapt from the real story.
M=eaningful days of my episode life.
A=back with a person name’s Yamada Ryosuke.
D=aily write tale about her feeling become Yamada’s fan on little site.
A=base him always.

R=e-do, re watching Yamada’s videos.
Y=eah it’s make energy up.
O=ath, I love Yamada Ryosuke so much as litle brother. I’m his fan thought.
S=.O.S I need help, I can’t escape my feeling from him.
U=rgent! No one can help me to discard Yamada from my mind.
K=.O (knock out)! Okay I’m lose.
E=ach day you can dominate my mind Yamada kun, with positive effort.


H=ey! Say! JUMP, I bashed you before.
E=ee!? This song you said good? Just deaf who can say this song is good!
Y=ears ago, my little sister made me listen Your Seed and Dream Come True song.

S=o so so bad my response that time.
A=ll bash what I told before is really foolishly.
Y=ou know, now I become big fan of JUMP, LOL... So crazy right.

J=eered of mine to JUMP can answer all mystery.
U=nion of 10 mans.
M=ade it become 1 group calls Hey! Say! JUMP.
P=acemaker for me too keep spirit in life.
Yuki Akanishi - Indonesia (
Name: Yuki Akanishi
Country: Indonesia
Gender: Female
Age: 19 yo

H : appy
E : very day when I
Y : ell

S : omething
A : about
Y : ou all

J : ust with your smile make
U : nforgettable
M : memories in my mind
P : lace of you, on deep my heart
Wan Chin - Singapore (
Name: Wan Chin (admin lounge)
Country: Singapore
Gender: Female
Age: 23 yo

Yabu Kota

Y-our smile
A-nd your gentleness had always
B-e my power and energy, to keep me smiling, and
U-nderstand that nothing is impossible, and Dreams do come true.

O-n smiling, I
T-ruely love your smile, and will
A-lways support you and JUMP!
彰麗 (Akira Rei) - Japan (
name : 彰麗 (Akira Rei)
age : 18 years old
gender : Male
country : Japan

Nakajima Yuto

N : agoyaka (friendly)
A : idoru (idol)
K : agayaku ( shine)
A : i (love)
J : imi (ordinary)
I : chiban (the first)
M : eirou (cheerful)
A : niki (my big bro)XD

Y : amajima confused
U : ta utau (sing a song) XD
T : otemo sugoi (very amazing)
O : ver (i like this word) XD
Asy-Syauqie Yamazaki (Asy-chan) - Indonesia (
Name : Asy-Syauqie Yamazaki (Asy-chan)
Age : 21 years old
Gender : Female
Country : Indonesia


Y~amada Ryosuke...

A~ll of perfection is in you...
M~aybe I’m over or excessive, but
A~ll of your ability can proof that
D~o you know?
A~ll over the world love you

R~yosuke, I do like and proud to be your fan

Y~ou are my perfect idol
O~ne and only, my
S~unshine and my moonlight
U~ntil the end of the time I will
K~eep my feeling to you
E~ndless love for you, my Endless dreams


HEY! SAY! JUMP Elaboration:

H~our by hour goes by, brings my

E~veryday and every dream with you
Y~ou all light up my world

S~tars in the sky are not

A~s bright as you
Y~ou all are awesome

J~ust want to show you how much I love you

U~ntil now,
M~y biggest dream is to meet you, although now I only can
P~ut your names in the deep of my heart ♥

MeyRyo (Aries Umei) - Hongkong (
Name : MeyRyo (aries umei)
Age : 22 yo
Gender : female
Country : hongkong

YAMADA RYOSUKE elaboration:

Y*ou is the perfect guy that i ever meet
A*lways waiting for your smile
M*y heart is totaly for you
A*nd i hope you will come hongkong again
D*imanapun kamu berada aku selalu mendukungmu
A*ku akan terus melangkah untuk dapat melihatmu

R*yosuke,hanya namamu yang dapat aku tulis
Y*ou mengisi hari-hariku dengan senyuman mautmu
O*r you kill me with your vampire face
S*lalu dan terus mencintaimu
U*ntuk aku berkorban walau harga kryamu sangat mahal
K*emanapun kamu melangkah aku selalu mendoakanmu
E*and this is from far away love
Annabeth Edogawa Wang - Indonesia (
Name: Triska Indra P.<Annabeth Edogawa>
Age: 14 y.o
Gender: Female
Country: Indonesia

A=n amazing man come to my life
R= you going to know?
I=t's you!
O=n my spare time I see your
K=indness,your happiness
nd the other amazing things

D=o you know?

A= wonderful man come to my world
I=t's make me fun every day
K=ind of that, do you know who is it?
I=t's you after all, Arioka Daiki!


H=ey!Say!JUMP is

E=nergic people
Y=oung and talented


A=mazing and fun

J=oyful and funny

M=iracle and Outstanding


H=elpful in my life

E=ndless time cheer me up
Y=ou make me shine

S=ince I know you

A=mazing day always I have
Y=ou bright my days

J=UMP will always be TEN

U=niversal thing!
M=y last word, JUMP is
P=eaceful in my life. .
Ani Wijayanti - Indonesia (

Name: Ani Wijayanti
Country: Indonesia


Y : ou're just a little boy

A : fter all of the stealing and cheating , you probably..

M : ade me sad, you only get your frame through controversy

A : nd start a new beginning for us

D : isguise yourself

A : re you sure you are not A MAN TO ME ?

R : espect your worth

Y : ou were there by my side , always down for the ride

O : h no.. , ' cause you're wanting to haunt me

S : o I could only see the good in you

U : ndenial feeling

K : nowing the glory the more he can score

E : nd up with lift your hands higher and wave ' em PROUD
Delaisa San Nicolas - Honolulu Hawai (
name: Laiza
country: honolulu hawaii
age: 19

Ryosuke Yamada

R-remembering the moments
Y-yesterday is past
O-open up the present with a
S-smile that will always last
U-undo the mistakes and leave
K-kisses and love because
E-even the slightest regret will shatter

Y-your beautiful heart
A-as you fall into the dark
M-many words of others will only leave mistakes but
A-as you smile the world becomes a better place
D-dream and make it a reality
A-as the only thing I can do is smile for my love is nothing more than a picture away...
Emi Shimizu - Indonesia (

Name : Emi Shimizu
age : 19tahun
Gender : Female
Country: Indonesia/Banjarmasin

R-yutaro morimoto
Y-ou are the one who own my heart
U-nder the beautiful sky
T-enderly as a wind of night
A-ishiteru!! I wanna shout it out when..
R-emember all memories of You
O-ffer a “Blushed” to my face

M-any days passed
O-nly You whom I waiting for
R-oof of my heart
I-s keeping covering the “Suki” towards you
M-aybe it would be an eternal one sided love only but..
O-verlook of You, I wont be Able
T-hank You for being my Sunshine
O-ne day, wish could see you again
Ghee Na Chan - Indonesia (
Name: Ghee na chan
Age: 16 th
Gender: female
Country: Indonesia

H: Heran membernya kok cakep-cakep
E: Enaknya jika aku memiliki salah satu dari mereka
Y: Yakin, mereka ngegemesinn

S: Sudah lama aku mengagumi mereka (A long time ago i admired them )
A: Akhirnya kini mereka menginjak usia yg ke 5 (Finally now they are treading age to 5 )
Y:Yg kuharapkan mereka makin kompak, keren, lucu dan (i hope They were compact, cool, funny and )

J: Juga makin bersinar (the shining too)
U: Untuk kedepannya aku harap (I hope for the future)
M: Morimoto Ryutaro kembali dan membuat (morimoto ryutaro comeback and make)
P: Para JUMPers tersenyum bahagia (the JUMPers smiling happily)
Dita Chun - Indonesia/Sidoarjo (
Name : dita-cHun
Age : 16
Gender : Female
Country : Indonesia


Y : Yamada, aku tahu dirimu [Yamada, I know you]
A : Akan tetapi hanya sekedar tahu [But, only know you]
M : Mungkin akan sangat sulit untuk benar-benar mengenalmu secara nyata [It may be very difficult to actually get to know you the real]
A : Aku hanya mampu melihat [I only can see]
D : Dan mendengar [And listen]
A : Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan di bawah lampu di atas panggung [What are you doing under lamp on the stage]

R : Ryosuke, tahukah kamu? [Ryosuke, do you know?]
Y : Yang pertama kali menyentuh hatiku dari dirimu [The first thing that touch my heart]
O : “Only your cute smile”
U : Untuk itu, senyumlah selalu [So, please smile]
S : Supaya kamu tetap awet muda dan… [Then you will stay young and…]
U : Untuk membuat orang di sekelilingmu turut tersenyum bahagia [To make people beside you smile happily]
K : Kamu mau, kan? [You want, right?]
E : Err… Kalau begitu berjanjilah, untuk kami dan juga dirimu [Err… Then please promise, for you and for us]


H : Hei, kalian sepuluh laki=laki! [Hey, you ten boys!]
E : Entah aku harus menyebut kalian apa lagi [I don’t know what I must call you]
Y : Yang kutahu kalian terlalu mengagumkan! [The thing I know you’re really astonishing!]

S : Sempurna? [Perfect?]
A : Ada JUMP dan ada JUMPers [There are JUMP and JUMPers]
Y : Ya, benar! Itu benar-benar sempurna! [Yeah, right! That’s really perfect!]

J : Jadi, jangan pernah… [So, never…]
U : Ucap sebuah kata… [Say…]
M : Menyerah, meskipun itu ada pada detik terakhir [Give up, although it in the last second]
P : Percayalah, kadang detik terakhir belum tentu adalah akhir yang sesungguhnya [Keep faith, because sometimes the last second is not the real ending]
Arata Suzuki - Philippines (

Name: Arata Suzuki "Aslainy"
Gender: Female
Country: Philippines

Y-our'e the only one who can make me smile
A- smile that can make me run for a miles
B-est of all the rest
U-nique than anyone else

K-indhearted and a marvelous person
O-utstanding who can't give up easily, Your a
T-alented and extra ordinary,You had everything that I loved,You had the best
A-ngelic voice since you were young...Until now it never ends up...

M-ysterious and very serious adulthood..But everybody knows that,
Y-ou act like a younger child of the group.

E-ver since the day I've know you...You make me a
V-ery crazy fangirl of yours..
E-verything change because of your beautiful song,then the
R-ight thing to do is to make you my inspiration that will never had an expiration...'coz
Y-ou give me the strength,
T-he strenght that can help me to achieve,You are my
H-ope and faith
I-n my heart and soul...
N-obody can never stop me to love you, for enternity, So...
G-O for it my only one "Kota Yabu" ♥
H-ow many years has it been?
E-verday I count on it, 'coz
Y-ou guys are my everything
S-ince the day I know you,
A- lot of days are happy and fun

Y-et sadness comes too
J-ust looking the pictures and listening to your songs...
U-nbelievable happiness shows up, There are
M-any things that I want to say If I could meet you ♥
P-ast and Future will be my memories until the end ♥

Jm Yuri Ret Restua - Philippines (

Name: jm yuri
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: Philippines

You're the only one makes me happy, your
Unpretentious smile
Relieved my listlessness & sadness, my day is
Incomplete with out a
Chance to see your face!
Hoping to meet you in person.
I don't care if they say that you are a pretty girl. ;p
No doubt' even your a Boy or Girl,
Every one would like you. But
Not me couz' I loved, & 4ever love you!

Cecille Ameilia Kurniawan - Indonesia (

Name : Cecille Ameilia K.
Age : 16
Gender: Female
Country: Indonesia

HEY! SAY! JUMP Elaboration:

Hearing their songs give me many motivation
Each members have their own character that make HSJ become 1
Year after year together make their bond stronger
Smiles and tears coloring their days
All together with JUMPers, laughing and crying
Yes, I'm lucky to know them and become a part of JUMPers
Just these 10 dorks that can make my life more colorful
Unknown path still in front of their eyes
More and more challenge will come, but
Prays from all JUMPers will shining their ways
Waw, those are really cool ne? :)
JUMPers are really creative... Those words are sugoi, and fantastic ^^



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