Ogenki desuka?? :)
It's quarter pass twelve in my place when Im writing this post ^^
Do you know? Umm, I am sure that you all have known, right?
Tomorrow (September 24th, 2012) is Hey! Say! JUMP 5th Anniversary..
Yay~ Banzaiii \(^o^)/ #jumping
Therefore, Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge held a project for their anniversary.
Yeah, such as a tributes, a dedications, or whatever it called. But the most important thing is, these are the proof of JUMPers' love for Hey! Say! JUMP... <3 ^^
---- We are Hey! Say! JUMP Fans,
so much love for JUMP. When meeting and seeing you directly is
impossible for us, we just be able to make this little gift for you.
Just for proofing our love for you, for JUMP. We know this is just
ordinary thing, but you have to know, JUMP, this is made by full of LOVE
and HOPE for you. We LOVE you with whole of our heart, deeply.
Our love for JUMP is extra ordinary LOVE ----
MINE is the abbreviation from My Ichiban's Name Elaboration. So, here all JUMPers will make the elaboration of their Ichiban's name and also of Hey! Say! JUMP name.
Jya, here are the Elaboration from Hey! Say! JUMP fans around the world... Check it out minna ^^
Hime Syara - Malaysia (https://www.facebook.com/syarasuke)
Amel Chan - Hey! Say! JUMP Lounge
Yuki Akanishi - Indonesia (https://www.facebook.com/yuki.hime.akanishi)
Wan Chin - Singapore (https://www.facebook.com/aoyozora)
彰麗 (Akira Rei) - Japan (https://www.facebook.com/reihan.akira)
Asy-Syauqie Yamazaki (Asy-chan) - Indonesia (https://www.facebook.com/zakiyahasysyauqie)
MeyRyo (Aries Umei) - Hongkong (https://www.facebook.com/ariez.umei)
Annabeth Edogawa Wang - Indonesia (https://www.facebook.com/annabeth.wang)
nd the other amazing things
Ani Wijayanti - Indonesia (https://www.facebook.com/ani.wijayanti101)
Delaisa San Nicolas - Honolulu Hawai (https://www.facebook.com/delaisa.sannicolas)
Emi Shimizu - Indonesia (http://www.facebook.com/emi.shimizu.5201)
Ghee Na Chan - Indonesia (http://www.facebook.com/ghee.chan1)
Dita Chun - Indonesia/Sidoarjo (http://www.facebook.com/ditachun)
Arata Suzuki - Philippines (http://www.facebook.com/arata.suzuki.315)
Name: Arata Suzuki "Aslainy"
Gender: Female
Country: Philippines
Gender: Female
Country: Philippines
Y-our'e the only one who can make me smile
A- smile that can make me run for a miles
B-est of all the rest
U-nique than anyone else
K-indhearted and a marvelous person
O-utstanding who can't give up easily, Your a
T-alented and extra ordinary,You had everything that I loved,You had the best
A-ngelic voice since you were young...Until now it never ends up...
M-ysterious and very serious adulthood..But everybody knows that,
Y-ou act like a younger child of the group.
E-ver since the day I've know you...You make me a
V-ery crazy fangirl of yours..
E-verything change because of your beautiful song,then the
R-ight thing to do is to make you my inspiration that will never had an expiration...'coz
Y-ou give me the strength,
T-he strenght that can help me to achieve,You are my
H-ope and faith
I-n my heart and soul...
N-obody can never stop me to love you, for enternity, So...
G-O for it my only one "Kota Yabu" ♥
A- smile that can make me run for a miles
B-est of all the rest
U-nique than anyone else
K-indhearted and a marvelous person
O-utstanding who can't give up easily, Your a
T-alented and extra ordinary,You had everything that I loved,You had the best
A-ngelic voice since you were young...Until now it never ends up...
M-ysterious and very serious adulthood..But everybody knows that,
Y-ou act like a younger child of the group.
E-ver since the day I've know you...You make me a
V-ery crazy fangirl of yours..
E-verything change because of your beautiful song,then the
R-ight thing to do is to make you my inspiration that will never had an expiration...'coz
Y-ou give me the strength,
T-he strenght that can help me to achieve,You are my
H-ope and faith
I-n my heart and soul...
N-obody can never stop me to love you, for enternity, So...
G-O for it my only one "Kota Yabu" ♥
H-ow many years has it been?
E-verday I count on it, 'coz
Y-ou guys are my everything
E-verday I count on it, 'coz
Y-ou guys are my everything
S-ince the day I know you,
A- lot of days are happy and fun
Y-et sadness comes too
A- lot of days are happy and fun
Y-et sadness comes too
J-ust looking the pictures and listening to your songs...
U-nbelievable happiness shows up, There are
M-any things that I want to say If I could meet you ♥
P-ast and Future will be my memories until the end ♥
U-nbelievable happiness shows up, There are
M-any things that I want to say If I could meet you ♥
P-ast and Future will be my memories until the end ♥
Jm Yuri Ret Restua - Philippines (http://www.facebook.com/yurikeijimash024)
Name: jm yuri
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: Philippines
You're the only one makes me happy, your
Unpretentious smile
Relieved my listlessness & sadness, my day is
Incomplete with out a
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: Philippines
You're the only one makes me happy, your
Unpretentious smile
Relieved my listlessness & sadness, my day is
Incomplete with out a
Chance to see your face!
Hoping to meet you in person.
I don't care if they say that you are a pretty girl. ;p
No doubt' even your a Boy or Girl,
Every one would like you. But
Not me couz' I loved, & 4ever love you!
Cecille Ameilia Kurniawan - Indonesia (http://www.facebook.com/cecille.ameilia)
Name : Cecille Ameilia K.
Age : 16
Gender: Female
Country: Indonesia
HEY! SAY! JUMP Elaboration:
Hearing their songs give me many motivation
Each members have their own character that make HSJ become 1
Year after year together make their bond stronger
Age : 16
Gender: Female
Country: Indonesia
HEY! SAY! JUMP Elaboration:
Hearing their songs give me many motivation
Each members have their own character that make HSJ become 1
Year after year together make their bond stronger
Smiles and tears coloring their days
All together with JUMPers, laughing and crying
Yes, I'm lucky to know them and become a part of JUMPers
All together with JUMPers, laughing and crying
Yes, I'm lucky to know them and become a part of JUMPers
Just these 10 dorks that can make my life more colorful
Unknown path still in front of their eyes
More and more challenge will come, but
Prays from all JUMPers will shining their ways
Unknown path still in front of their eyes
More and more challenge will come, but
Prays from all JUMPers will shining their ways
arigachuu na :)
BalasHapusdouita nee ^^