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Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

[Fanfiction] Angel with(out) Wings~ [Chapter V] {Indonesian Version}

Title                             : Angel with(out) Wings~
Categories                 : Multichapter
Genre                         : Fantasy – Romance – Friendship  
Rating                        : Teenager – PG-15
Theme song              : Angel comes to me – Yabu Kota [Hey! Say! JUMP], Angel’s Wings - Westlife
Author                                    : Rizuki Yamazaki Asy-Syauqie a.k.a Zakiyah
Cast[s]                        :
  1. Yamada Ryosuke [Hey! Say! JUMP]
  2. Hey! Say! JUMP members
  3. Shida Mirai
  4. Amakusa Ryuu (Original character)
  5. Daichi (Original Character)
  6. Nyonya Lin (Original character)
Disclaimer! : All casts are not mine. The story is mine.
Synopsis/Quote: When a fairy flies down to the earth and falls in love...

Chapter Five: Let’s Start the Mission

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

[DearDiary] I have to...

I have to act calmly when the other in rush..
I have to be wise and more mature when the other be selfish and childish..
I have to be strong when the other weak..
I have to hold my tears when the other are crying..
I have to hold my pain when the other sigh for their pain..
I have to....
But I can't do...
I always sigh, I always selfish and childish, I always weak, I always cry, I always feel my pain...
What I can do is keep these all in my mind, and never tell anyone... I don't want to bother other with my problem.. I just can keep this alone... Telling nothing... Because my pain will bother and trouble everyone...

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

[Fanfiction] Angel with(out) Wings~ [Chapter IV] {Indonesian Version}

Title                             : Angel with(out) Wings~
Categories                 : Multichapter
Genre                         : Fantasy – Romance – Friendship
Rating                        : Teenager – PG-15
Theme song              : Angel comes to me – Yabu Kota [Hey! Say! JUMP], Angel’s Wings - Westlife
Author                         : Rizuki Yamazaki Asy-Syauqie a.k.a Zakiyah
Cast[s]                        :
  1. Yamada Ryosuke [Hey! Say! JUMP]
  2. Hey! Say! JUMP members
  3. Shida Mirai
  4. Amakusa Ryuu (Original character)
  5. Daichi (Original Character)
  6. Nyonya Lin (Original character)
Disclaimer! : All casts are not mine. The story is mine.
Synopsis/Quote: When a fairy flies down to the earth and falls in love...
Chapter Four: What’s wrong with her?

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

[Info] Jelajah Jepang dalam Setahun

Repost with NO editing. *October was not my month of birth*
CREDITS: , Japanesse For All on Facebook

Tahun Baru di Jepang diawali dengan kata ‘akemashite omedetou’, yang artinya “Selamat Tahun Baru”. Di tengah-tengah putihnya salju, orang-orang pergi untuk melihat matahari tahun baru atau mengunjungi kuil untuk memohon kesehatan pada tahun ini.

Hawanya sangat dingin, tetapi saat sinar matahari menyusup ke dalam udara yang dingin pada pagi hari yang cerah, keindahannya tak ada kiranya di dunia ini.

Di rumah, orang-orang melewati waktu dengan riang sambil makan osechi, yakni masakan khusus untuk Tahun Baru atau kue beras atau mochi. Yang menyenangkan juga adalah Kartu Tahun Baru. Di Jepang, orang-orang saling mengirimkan kartu pos itu di antara teman atau kenalan. Gambar 12 shio binatang tergambar pada kartu tahun baru itu. Apakah shio binatang tahun ini? Monyet? Ayam? Atau Anjing?


Bulan Februari di Jepang adalah bulan di mana banyak salju turun. Di daerah utara, semuanya memutih akibat salju, misalnya jalan, atap rumah, dan puncak gunung. Salju sangat indah, dan berkat salju tersebut kami bisa bermain ski atau bermain lempar-lemparan gumpalan salju. Sebaliknya, yang menyusahkan adalah jika terjadi salju longsor, lumpuhnya lalu lintas atau banyaknya orang yang masuk angin.

Tetapi setelah melewati pertengahan bulan Februari, hari-hari dingin dan hari-hari hangat datang bergantian. Hal ini menunjukkan musim semi telah mendekat. Bunga-bunga mulai mekar, burung bulbul mulai berterbangan di sekitar pohon Plum. Burung bulbul adalah burung yang berwarna hijau muda dan bersuara merdu.


Salju telah meleleh dan sinar musim semi yang hangat mulai bertaburan di permukaan tanah yang beku. Pucuk-pucuk tumbuhan mulai muncul, ulat-ulat yang bangun dari tidurnya selama musim dingin merangkak keluar, dan burung-burung mulai berkicau di langit.

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

[DearDiary] What's up? Doushiyo? -_-

Konnichiwa minna~
I wanna apologize to all my fanfiction reader, bcoz it has been long time I didnt post new fanfiction, especially the next chapter of 'Angel with(out) Wings'.. that fanfic has been released until chapter III, and I have made the chapter IV, but I have not finished it yet, so I cant post it... Gomen nasai T_T

That's because.... (maybe) *Let's start curhat session
I am being in my home now, and that means, I cant be as free as when Im in my dorm..
So, I cant being Online as long as when I am in my dorm.. yeah because I have to help my lovely Mom :*
That's not problem, but I regret, I cant continue writing my fanfiction.. >,< -_-
I couldnt open my laptop to write my fanfic, too much to do here..
Im afraid, my fanfic lost its feel :'( *but i hope not

I try to write over and over again.. I dont wanna stop writing...
I have many idea in my mind, but I need time to explore it..

Please.. understand my williing, minna.. (-_-#)

[Article] Yamada Ryosuke: Johnny’s Golden Boy

I found an article from (FULL CREDITS to the owner of the blog / the writer)
I got this article is interesting... Because it talked about Yamada Ryosuke... Even there is some bad opinion of the writer about Yamada, but I dont really pay attention on it. I just READ and BELIEVE the good side ^_^
You can read and prove this article by yourself... douzo.. ^_^
I just copied and pasted this article, not edited it at all..


Yamada Ryosuke: Johnny’s Golden Boy

A certain member of JUMP’s gonna star in a drama! Again.. (what’s new?)

As one of my fellow fangirls on twitter once said, “It is hard for one to hate a Yamada Ryosuke”, made me think of the reasons why he wasn’t one to suit my taste in idols.
Who could blame the thousands of girls that worship him? He has worked his butt off to get to where he is now. I know very well what he had to go through as a Junior, and am undeniably finding it hard to admit that he absolutely deserves his position now.
You’re probably thinking. “why am I having a hard time admitting then?”

Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

[DearDiary] I will not give title to this posting

I bet that we all ever did that..
We all ever feel that..

Hontou ni, I am really dizzy and confused now... T_T
I cant decide what should I do...

I know that I was wrong, but I dont like to be treated like this :(
I wanna be forgiven, even it is hard to you..
But PLEASEEE.... I cant live with my guilty all my life long... :(

I know it hurts for you, but it hurts for me too..
I hurt my self coz I hurt you...
I wanna kill myself for this..
I really regret.. Iam relly sorry.. T__T

I know my attitude last time was EXTREMELY WRONG...
I have betrayed you... But I admit it, and I did it not by my plan..

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

[SongLyric] Ungu - Kau Anggap Apa

*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.Net

Sulit tuk ku mengerti jalan pikiranmu
Setengah hatiku terluka, senangkah hatimu
Ku akan pergi, kau tak menginginkanku
Kau lukai kebanggaan, perasaanku
Dengan sadar menyakitiku
Ku takkan pergi bila kau anggap aku ada
Hanya mencintamu pun aku bisa
Takkan ku sesali, hidup tanpamu aku bisa
Akan hanya cinta yang ku bawa pulang
Sulitnya tuk pungkiri hati yang terbagi
Sepenuh hatiku memujamu, kau anggap apa
Ku akan pergi, kau tak menginginkanku
Ku tak ada di hatimu lagi, khianatiku
Dengan sadar menyakitiku
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